10 Steps to Opening a Successful Mobile Ice Cream Parlor or Food Truck

Know the 10 steps to open a successful ice cream parlor.

It is a quite profitable business model today for some countries, the high rental costs are usually quite overwhelming for many entrepreneurs, so at the end of the year the only alternative we have is to close the business, since it does not generate a good cost effectiveness.

If you find yourself in this situation and you have a low budget, take a look at these 10 steps that will be useful when setting up your mobile ice cream parlor.

1. Is street vending allowed in your place of residence?

If your idea has been around for several months or even years, stop doing it and start landing your business idea, but beforehand you should get advice in the country you are in, if street selling is allowed; It is useless to devise but not have the permissions.

For example, in Spain this type of sale is quite restricted, but in England, Switzerland, France and some American countries they are more flexible.

2. Permits - Obtain the necessary permits and licenses

Before starting a business in any country in the world, you will have to go through different stages, from the creation of your company to obtaining a permit that will allow you to work legally. This is one of the most important 10 steps to open a successful artisan ice cream parlor.

Street vending is a business model that will require a lot of permits since when handling food on the street you will have to request a special permit, as well as a commercial and health license, in this step we always suggest that you approach the appropriate government office , you can search online for the one closest to your place of residence.

On some occasions, the police can also place a restriction, so it is essential that you ask how to obtain a special permit from them.

Before applying for the permits, you must plan a route where your mobile ice cream parlor will travel, since states, cities, municipalities and towns have different permits that regulate the sale of food, be sure to look for the corresponding licensing office in each level to complete the corresponding documentation.

If your route goes through more than one city, you will need to obtain the appropriate permits and licenses for those areas.

It is essential to register as self-employed in the case of Spain or in your country of residence as independent workers or it can be a company, it will be of great help when filling out the forms of the different entities.


  • Seek advice or find out about the taxes of that territory, if municipal taxes apply.
  • Before opening, make sure that you comply with all the regulations in some countries, they usually have very high fines or sanction the business indefinitely.

3. Ideal client study

Before creating your commercial mix, it is important to address who your ideal client is, these questions will be of great help:

- Age range
- Who will hire you, events, weddings, birthdays, schools, fairs.
- Salary. (How much does my ideal client earn)

The previous questions will help you to determine what product you should offer.

4. What kind of ice cream to sell

Industrial or artisanal ice cream? Below in the images you can see the advantages and disadvantages of choosing the type of ice cream that you are going to offer. This is another of the 10 steps to open your artisan ice cream parlor.

Industrial ice cream
Home made ice cream

‍ 5. Evaluate available resources

You will need a laboratory or workshop, it is not possible to make ice cream in the cart, one advantage that industrial ice cream has is that we only need a soft machine and it can go inside the cart, although you know that this type of ice cream is of low quality.

If you want a unique, exclusive product, and with that differentiating touch, I suggest the artisan ice cream parlor; Since the industrial sector always handles the same flavors and above all you cannot vary, it is very important to evaluate this step since the investment is triggered from here.

Keep reading and find out all the 10 steps to open an artisan ice cream parlor.

6. Investment to take into account

The largest manufacturers of ice cream machinery are Italy and China, but each country has its fame so to speak, as you well know Italian machinery has been characterized by being of excellent quality and very good finishes, while Chinese machinery is the opposite. .

The investment varies in the type of machinery you want to use, you can get trolleys from €5,000.00 up to the price you can imagine.

It is no secret to anyone that the machinery of recognized and reputable brands has greater durability, you will avoid calling technicians or staying without presenting an event due to a breakdown of your machine.

I have always told my students, I prefer to spend more money at the beginning and not on technicians, so now you know my advice ;)

7. Choose the right equipment and furniture

If you decided to make artisanal ice cream, we will locate a small store where we will have the appropriate machinery to make ice cream. This is known in the ice cream parlor as a laboratory or a workshop, and the cart will serve us only for presentation and direct sale.

If you asked us for advice, it is more appropriate to do it this way, since you have more space and you are free to create your ice creams without so much discomfort, and when it comes to expanding you will have fewer inconveniences. Here is what you will need in your workshop:

  • Ice cream making machine.
  • Temperature chiller.
  • Trolley for direct sale (many include all the interior design such as a showcase or pozzeto, decoration, etc.)
  • General utensils needed to prepare and serve ice cream.

If you want to deepen this topic, remember that you can attend professional ice cream courses where you will learn to create your own recipes and discover which is the best machinery for your business model.

Let's continue with the two that are missing to complete the 10 steps to open your artisan ice cream parlor.

8. Plan

Plan your route, we will establish strategic sites such as schools, universities, sports centers, fairs, etc.

Another point that you should consider the climate of your location, if you are selling in a winter area you must have somewhere to park your cart for a while.

With the artisan ice cream parlor during those months, you have the advantage of offering your product to restaurants, cafeterias or a business close to your laboratory and in this way you generate an extra profit.

9. Buy appropriate insurance

Because it's a mobile business, you'll also need motor vehicle collision and comprehensive insurance, as well as kitchen insurance. Check with your insurance agent to find the right combination of policies.

10. Branding and advertising

The idea of ​​this type of business is that your cart is promoted as you go along your route, it will have to be striking and an image with appropriate colors aimed at the ice cream parlor segment.

If you are a creative entrepreneur, do it on your own, in the end it is the essence of each one and that is what the brand transmits when it comes to promoting yourself, in case you do not have the skills to create, I suggest you hire qualified personnel where they They will design you from the logo to the start-up of your mobile ice cream parlor.

On the other hand, maintaining a presence on social networks will help you to be more visible to the community where you are going. Establish a website to make your brand known. If you want to provide a catering service, it is essential since through this means we will be more visible than through social networks.

It is an excellent business for those entrepreneurs looking to set up ice cream parlors with low start-up capital, and the advantage of this business model is that you can create a franchise.

I hope this guide helps you create your next mobile artisan ice cream success, don't forget to take our recommendations into account, any questions write us in the comments.

Gerogelato Escuela de Helado Artesanal logo
Colores de la bandera de Italia

We are one of the best artisanal Italian ice cream schools in the world!

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